News Releases Translation Expertise

News Releases Translation Expertise

Our expertise in news releases translation is grounded in Shanglong’s founders’ several years of experience as the office manager and senior editor at London Financial Times' translation and editorial facility in China.  We apply the same rigorous three-step translation – editing – proofreading (T-E-P) process to our news article translations, with final editing and polishing by a professional editor who is a native speaker of English to assure that the final product reads like a document originally written in English, and not like a translation. 

We have provided services to PR Newswire since July 2000, a period spanning nearly twenty years, starting with Simplified Chinese for China as well as Traditional Chinese for Hong Kong and Taiwan. In 2010 we added Korean and Japanese and in 2013 we expanded the relationship to all languages as needed by PR Newswire, having handled news releases requiring translation into 46 languages for the last 7 years. We intimately understand PR Newswire/Cision’s needs and have adjusted to those needs as they have evolved.

Shanglong localizes the translation to the markets you are seeking to reach including versions suited to US, Canadian, UK and/or Hong Kong markets.