Exec Bios

Wen Jian

Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder

Our CEO previously led the team of professional translators and editors at the Financial Times of London’s China-based translation agency

Wen Jian, prior to establishing Shanglong, was senior translator, editor and team leader at the London Financial Times’ translation and editorial facility in Nanjing.  Shortly after his arrival, he led the team that reorganized the translation, summarization and editorial work flow systems to provide a higher quality of product. 

Mr. Wen implemented the same quality assurance work flow system upon founding Shanglong in 2000, and has continued to improve it, resulting in the three-level translation-editorial-proofreading (T-E-P) process which is the cornerstone of the consistency and high quality of Shanglong’s product.  In 2006, Wen added China Business News Service to the product suite – the service provides a continuous flow of well-researched and documented news articles to trade publishers and industry-specific websites looking to supplement their content with the latest news from China in their sector.

Liu Yuanyuan

Director of Operations and Co-Founder

Liu Yuanyuan was formerly office manager of the London Financial Times' China translation and editorial facility in Nanjing supervising a team of 33 translators, editors and technical support staff. Ms. Liu brings her several years experience of delivering, under deadline, 200 English language news briefs of articles selected from the Chinese language press daily as well as overseeing the timely completion of

500,000+ word Chinese language translation projects to her role as founder and director of operations at Shanglong.